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This platform is your source for inspiration, self love, finding passion, purpose and authenticity, creating your own reality and evolving into your highest self. 

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I'm Caitlin, the creator of this brand. A qualified life coach, conscious mother, human design reader, reiki healer, online blogger and entrepreneur. I have a Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon, Taurus Rising, and am a 2/4 Emotional Projector, based in Sydney Australia.

A multi-faceted woman, I have been on a continuous spiritual and personal development journey for ten years and counting. 

My purpose in this lifetime is to assist in the rising consciousness of the world.

I have a strong passion for sharing my life experiences with others to enhance their lives, and you will often see me sharing excerpts from books and podcasts, writing about intimate and personal experiences, and inspiring others to explore their life purpose and be their most magnetic and authentic self. You can listen to my story on my podcast here, or read about me here.

Image by Andy Holmes






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To Be Magnetic

An incredible, affordable online program for manifestation, shadow work, healing your inner child, rewiring neural pathways and more. TBM has quantum leaped my healing and spiritual journey like nothing else.


To Be Magnetic discount code: CAITLIN1924


Sacred Taste Cacao

Cacao has wonderful health benefits, and I love to have a cup to both start my day and wind down in the evening. This cacao is wild-crafted, organic and premium quality.  Tip: add collagen and honey, and mix with a handheld electric blender to make it super creamy!


Sacred Cacao discount code: CAITLINPOTTS



My favourite meal plan that makes life so much easier knowing you have meals on hand to just grab if you're having a challenging day! Their snacks and juices are amazing too 🤭


YouFoodz discount code: CAITLIN200

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